Dropping In to Power: Personal stories of the transformational power of surfing from women of all levels, all ages, all over.

Sara Wright - Join Surfing Moms - Santa Cruz

Season 1 Episode 9

Surfer moms—current and future—this podcast is for you! My guest is a newly minted mama fitness trainer, and the founder of Santa Cruz's chapter of Join Surfing Moms, a non-profit that helps moms get their much-needed waves. Sara's story is so important for moms to hear! She grew up surfing, but even with all that experience, she lost her confidence once adulthood, and, especially, motherhood, set in. The loss of her surfer self rattled her sense of identity, though it took years for the impact of its loss to register. Sara shares her epiphany, her moment of commitment, and the steps she took to bring surfing back into her life.  And those steps were not easy! For moms, especially with small kids, surfing comes with extra challenges, like juggling breastfeeding with tides, wind, and swell, and the guilt that accompanies doing anything for yourself. Sara tried it in on her own, but knew she needed more support. When she could not find a chapter of (Hawaii-based, Australian-inspired) Join Surfing Moms in her own community, she started one!  Sara’s story will make you feel seen, heard, understood, and fired up! 

Visit her website, californiaactivemom.com.  And check out @joinsurfingmoms on IG (you will love them) and their website, surfingmoms.org, to find a chapter near you, or start one!

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