Dropping In to Power: Personal stories of the transformational power of surfing from women of all levels, all ages, all over.

Regina Orlando, Kona and Oregon

Season 1 Episode 7

After 13 years, Regina left the surfer's paradise she had created in the mythical blue waters of Kona to answer another kind of deep blue call—becoming a police officer!  In her 40s! On the mainland! In a city! This courageous life choice required her stepping away from the relationship she had cultivated with the water as a surfer, free diver and paddler. Oh, and girrllll, speaking of relationships, we get real on those moments when having a surfing partner can feel like a match NOT made in heaven! Regina’s journey of surfing beautifully mirrors her transformation into the woman she was ready to become, as that last wave deposited her, perfectly poised, for the next big set of her life. She allows us in to witness the heartbreak of her mermaid gills drying up, and the power she has grown to nurture herself in any surroundings. We also dig into what it was like to learn to surf in the reefy, urchin-y, shallow, lava-rocky breaks of Kona, and we both get honest about the pluses and minuses of more women - really, more people - in the lineup. (And, don't worry, she is still getting some waves - her sets are just a little further apart.)

🏄‍♀️💜 Interested in hypnotherapy for surfing or any other issues? Learn more at www.sheilagallien.com and or schedule a Free 30-minute Zoom💜🏄‍♀️

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